Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cinco de la mañana

This blog is never updated because (A) I can't write and (B) living life is better than blogging.

I would like to announce that I am in Lyri-can't-sleep-mode. One, because I can't sleep, period. And two because my usual attempt at going back to sleep involves getting up to pee, but I have no toilet paper and my parents are still sleeping so I can't go into their room to get to their bathroom to get some goddamn toilet paper.

I am hungry but it's too early to eat anything because if I eat anything I will just be hungrier in class. I also can't eat because it would involve drinking juice and wanting to pee more than I already do.

Yesterday I was so happy I wanted to raid the entire Candy Shop because OMG SUGAR. Now I just want a comforting bar of chocolate.

WOW the difference between people and experiences is crazy. One can go from being in a totally insecure relationship to feeling like they want to rest in a person's heart. I like resting. I would like to be resting right now, when I cannot sleep.

I have an entire hour with nothing to do.

I could study but I have so much time this weekend that I don't see the use in studying at 5:18 in the morning.

Man, I could really use some chocolate.

Blah blah blah blah blah

I want swingsets.

Some people at work are starting to grow on me. I still find those particular people to annoying to spend even 5 hours with, but at least I don't hate them. I still hate others, because they are backstabbing assholes. Fuck you assholes.

My room smells like something I would rather not mention and I wish it wouldn't smell like that but it's not gonna stop smelling until I open a door and I can't open a door right now because my light is on and my fingers are typing and my parents could hear me typing and wonder, just as I do, why the fuck I am awake so fucking early without the alarm.

I really wish I could pee.

I'm going to pee and grab some paper from the kitchen and try my best.

Sleeping one last hour would be great in the needs-way but terrible in the it'll-be-so-much-harder-to-wake-up way. Although even if it usually works this way, tonight (or is it today) wouldn't work that way, being as I can't sleep for reasons other than not being able to pee happily.

Yes, paper from the kitchen because my pee build-up is starting to hurt.

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